Weather Phenomenon
Activity Modifier
February 2025 weather phenomenon:
All bodies of water are acting oddly, and really ALL bodies of water, from big to small. There is whirlpools even in puddles, ponds, where it makes no sense. It is not safe to be near any water anymore, be very careful.
Past months phenomenons:
February 2025 - Lightning Storm
January 2025 - Black ice
Weather Phenomenon is an optional EXP bonus granting activity modifier.
When you include the monthly weather phenomenon in Exploring, Survival, Culture or Battles,
you earn a generous +5 EXP from that entry. It doesn't affect activity loots or battle results.
All centaurs in same artwork/literature will get the EXP bonus and be subjected to injury roll. It doesn't matter if some centaurs won't receive loot roll. You cannot choose some centaurs to get the Weather Phenomenon bonus while some not.
With weather, it's all or nothing.
If your centaur is already injured or ill from any activity, they cannot get +5 EXP weather boost again before getting healed.
This doesn't apply to injuries got from non-weather modified activity rolls.
But beware, as there's significantly increased chance for catching an injury or illness from that activity entry.
Illness-related traits, such as Resistant and Vulnerable don't have affect against the rage of nature.
Including Weather Phenomenon modifier nullifies all illness/injury preventing or increasing features.
Weather injury is rolled when the activity piece is rolled for EXP
and accepted into the group.
If your centaur manages to slip through the weather unharmed,
your roll will feature this text:
"It seems the weather favors you today"
Due to it's unique game mechanic, art/lit with the Weather bonus cannot have their EXP changed/edited to match AR requirements after they have been accepted into the group. When you remove a piece from the group for EXP recounting, you must remove it from the tracker entirely. However, Weather Injuries are applied on the tracker comment during acceptance into the group, so removing the comment means that the 'proof' of the injury is lost which can lead to confusion/repeated injury/unfair rollings.