We all have our unique traits that make us special.
Centaurs can have a wide variety of traits which give them different bonuses that help with all everyday life activities. Traits can be inherited with breeding, and added with Trait Applicator.
A centaur can be born with max. 4 traits, and that max limit is in effect with purchased Trait Applicators as well.
When removing a trait from centaur, it is destroyed and won't be returned to your vault. Each trait can only be applied once.
All traits which are activated by artwork need to feature full backgrounds, if not stated otherwise. Pagedolls don't activate these bonuses.
Some trait descriptions have gotten some changes here and there. Some centaur imports might still have old trait descriptions on them. The traits will however always follow the updated information. If you wish to update your centaurs trait descriptions, you can do that in import updates.
The amount of traits a centaur can have increases as they rank up through their life. See the ranks and trait amounts below:
Rankless - 4 Traits
Commoner - 4 Traits
Squire - 5 Traits
Baron - 6 Traits
King - 7 Traits
> Comment HERE to apply or remove a trait! <
Import: (Link to your centaur)
Trait to apply/remove: (Specify which trait and is it APPLIED or REMOVED)
Vault name: (Or other proof link that you have the trait. This cannot be an unprocessed trade/purchase)
Battle Traits
- Warrior spirit - +5 Battle Points.
- Fortunate - Rerolls battle twice for a chance of victory. If both opponents have this trait, the one with highest cumulative points win.
- Deceitful - You play dirty. Causes opponent to loose -3 points from their battle roll.
Activity Traits
- Treasure hunter - Increased chance to bring extra loot item from Explores, Survival and Culture.
- Guide - Centaur with this trait can bring another centaur with them to any activity, raising the max number from 4 to 5. This trait affects only once per activity entry.
- *Master Researcher - This centaurs Research entry gives +3 points to the research counter.
*(Master Researcher trait stacks with the Researcher profession)
Breeding Traits
- Fertile - Increases chances for healthy twins in breeding
- Blessed Parent - Guarantees successful breeding when Art/Lit entry has been provided. (Fullbody, Shaded & Complex background. 800 wordcount lit.)
- Frozen Soul* - Breeding this centaur guarantees Cold basecolor shade. (Cannot be applied on warm centaur)
- Burning Soul* - Breeding this centaur guarantees Warm basecolor shade. (Cannot be applied on cold centaur)
- Anomaly - Slightly increases the chances for offspring to inherit parents mutation/s.
- Gifted - Increased chance for this centaurs offspring to inherit parents trait/s
- Prodigy - Increased chance for this centaurs offspring to inherit some of parents stats points.
(* When breeding parents with both Frozen soul and Burning Soul traits present, the breeding poster can choose which trait overruns which. This will affect all offspring if any are produced.)
EXP Traits
- Extrovert* - +3 Exp when centaur is presented with other centaurs. (The other centaur can be owned by you, another player, or be a Sagittari group owned NPC's or starters.)
- Introvert* - +3 Exp when centaur is presented all alone without other centaurs.
- Pilgrim - +3 Exp to a centaur who is not in a village, and presented without other centaurs.
- Nocturnal - +3 Exp
when the artwork showcases night or evening
- Diurnal - +3 Exp when the artwork showcases day or morning.
(*Extrovert, Introvert and Pilgrim traits activate in literatures AND artworks with background. They don't apply to pagedolls.)
Misc Traits
- Resistant - Lowers the chances of centaur being injured or catching illnesses in activities. (Cannot be applied to Frail mutation centaur. Cannot be applied together with Vulnerable. )
- Vulnerable - Increases the chances of centaur being injured or catching illnesses in activities (Can be applied to Frail mutation centaurs. Cannot be applied together with Resistant.)