Stripe / Str

Warm White with full sharp edge stripes - Warm Dusk with faded stripes
Warm White with full sharp edge stripes - Warm Dusk with faded stripes

Stripe is a marking presenting tiger stripes. They mainly focus on the lower torso, and can give unique face patterning.

Marking rules

  • Stripe has no layering rules and can sit over or under other markings.
  • Stripe can be darker or lighter than the basecolor. Markings color must be similar with basecolors saturation value. The color can be picked from the basecolor slider or natural color slider.
  • The max area is where you can place stripes, but it's not required to fill the whole area. At minimum Stripe should create 5 separate stripe, their length shown on the ranges. The minimal amount stripes can be placed anywhere within the max area.
  • Stripes need to be mostly vertical and must not resemble horizontal Wave. The stripes need to be mostly straight, but can have natural motion, following the body's anatomy.

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Marking edge & Allowed edge effects

Stripe allows 1 edge type + voluntary fade effect  

Stripes must be solid, they can't have holes inside them nor complex edges

Stripes affect on face

Stripe can create natural markings seen on striped animals. See the examples on the right with tiger and zebra.

But you are not limited to copying real animals, you have creative freedom to create natural-looking stripes!

Only restriction is the focus on looking natural-ish, and being faithful to stripes rules. So no unnatural swirlies or round patterns are accepted.

Accepted examples

Real life examples

These examples represents what the marking is based on. Please keep the marking rules in mind when designing, and don't rely too heavily on real life markings carrying the same name. These examples can work as an inspiration, not direct references.  

Reference sources: