Satin / Stn

Cold Dusk with refined Satin - Warm White with softly airbrushed Satin
Satin is a gene that makes the centaurs coat and hair glimmer and shiny, like the finest satin.
Marking rules
- Satin always covers the whole body. It can also affect the hair on their heads, and equine centaurs tails.
- Satin always sits on top of the centaurs design. It is a gene that affects the coat texture itself, so all markings will be affected by Satin.
- Satin also sits on top of color affecting mutations such as Albinism, Erythrism and Melanism. The Satin must still follow coloring rules of said mutations.
- It MUST show the original basecolor through. So the whole coat cannot be shining without some shading present.
- Satin doesn't saturate the coat significantly. It can increase the saturation only slightly.
- Satin doesn't create glow, and it shouldn't appear too brightly on the design.
- Satin an be created by "shading" the centaur, or freehandly airbrushed. It must always appear soft and blended, and can feature fur texturing.
- Satin can be affected by Hue and Recolor:
Hue can create a subtle color changing gradient on the Satin layer. This color change cannot be strong, as Satin mainly creates shine on the coat, not color.
Recolor can change the color tone of the Satin. The color tone needs to be subtle, and not overly saturated.

Accepted examples