1. October - All Hallow's Eve


Hello dear Sagifolk! It is time for the spookiest month of the year, and the first official EVENT in the Sagi isle!
This start of the month is event focused, as our latest mid-month update was so mechanics heavy. There will be some mechanics updates coming later, but for now, we can focus on October festivities. ♥

  • All Hallow's Eve 2023 is on and running!
    This event will last through the whole October. Starting from these news, all the way to 31. October, 6pm EEST.
  • Reminder, that you still have time to challenge current traveling battleboss Hawari! Read more at Battles
    He has been quite busy, but you guys have been doing amazing job challenging him! One last charge before he disappears back to shadows.
  • New admins are in!
    Thank you everyone who applied! We got a lot of good applications! We decided to welcome PinkusDean, LadyArcadian, and Mansikkana to join the SagiStaff team. Let's cheer on them as they learn the craft of Sagi adminin!