1. March 2025 - Release and Misc updates


General reminder for all members!

Please remember that any and all use of AI generated art or literature is strongly prohibited in Isle of Sagittari! If you are found using AI in your works, you will receive an official warning which may lead to a ban. We do not endorse AI use in any artistic works. This includes literatures with partial AI and partial human writing, or artwork with partially AI generated elements and partially human drawn. 

  • A new thread has been opened: Releasing your centaur. This is a thread for unwanted genotypes you own and don't see any use for. Releasing a genotype destroys the geno for good, it won't be usable in the game anymore or retrievable. Releasing a genotype gives a GC reward.
    Release page can be found under Resources -> Breeding -> Release
  • Hairstylist's crafting recipe got a rebalance to make it more equal to craft as to buy from in-game shop.
  • Kintsugi addition: Kintsugi's colors can show up in hair! This is not a new rule or changing the marking or hair rules. This addition is to solve potential confusions and let you know of design possibilities.
    Kintsu got an additional line: Kintsugis colors used in the centaurs design can show up in hair as well. Kintsugis metallic-like texturing or shine cannot transfer to hair as they may show up on the main design. Remember the main hair design rules when adding Kintsugi to hair: "The hair coloring style must remain natural looking, and cannot have unnatural markings (such as horizontal stripes, ring patterns, looking metallic, etc)."
  • Dapple change!
    Dapple now allows for opacity changes on the Dapple spots to allow for more natural Dapple look. Previously Dapple spots had to be solid in one unified opacity. While the one color rule for all spots stays, the Dapples can feature opacity changes and the spots can overlap and cluster with each other.
    Updated Dapple rules affect designs posted to Design approval queue after these updates
  • Clarifications added to Hermes' page about modding the mutation
  • Oculus addition: Eyelids are a thing and Ok with Oc
  • Bodypaints addition: Bodypaints can be used to color Hanahaki's flower.
  • Weather Phenomenon update: Watch out for all bodies of water, even the smallest puddles.