Hue / Hu

Cold black with Wave, wave having from dark grey to lighter gray gradient - Warm black with Shaded, Shaded having gradient going from warm grey to red tone from natural slider
Hue is a gene that affect existing markings by creating a color gradient inside the marking.
Marking Edges

Hue is a solid gradient which can't have holes in it
Marking rules
- Hue can only show up with another marking. If your centaur doesn't have any other markings in their genotype, Hue is carried and not displayed.
- Optionally, hue can however be displayed with free markings
- Hue cannot change markings restrictions about being lighter or darker than the basecolor. Saturation restrictions of the marking also still stand.
- Hue color must be related to the markings color (similar color tone), or it can be picked from natural slider.
- Hue + Recolor combos:
Hue can be combined with Recolor. Then it will create the gradient "inside" the Recolor, following Recolor's coloring rules, and flow with the color of Recolor. Hue gradient inside Recolor can be lighter or darker version of the Recolor color, or a color tone close to Recolored color tone. Natural slider can still also be used.
Optionally Hue can be Recolored. Then Recolor affects Hue alone, and not the whole marking Hue itself affects. - Hue doesn't affect following markings: Bicolor, Harlequin, Pinto, Sabino, Stars, Kintsugi, Aurora, Gleam. If those are only genes in the geno with Hue, Hue can be applied to free marking or chose to be carried gene.
- Hue is one gradient that needs to go clearly to one direction. It however can can have some natural "3D" movement to it's shape when it travels through body and limbs. It can also optionally be a flat 2D gradient and disregard the body shape.
Hue can come from 1 direction, and that direction can be picked freely. Hue creates 1 gradient throughout the marking, even if the marking has multiple parts that aren't connected to each other. For example, when combined with Stripes, all the stripes share the same gradient. Each stripe can't have their own gradient.

Accepted examples