Glass / Ga

Warm Grey with Bicolor and Glassed Harlequin | Cold White with Mantle and Glassed Shaded
Glass is a marking modifier gene that affects 1 marking in the genotype, making it partly transparent.
Marking rules
- Glass makes 1 chosen marking partly transparent.
It can affect 1 gene at time . If the chosen gene has multiple colors, it will always affect all colors of the marking. Same goes to markings with multiple points, it affects all points of the marking with same opacity value. - Glass doesn't have it's own coloration rules.
- Glass cannot affect the following markings: Hue, Recolor, Satin, Gleam
- Glass can only show up with another marking. If your centaur doesn't have any other markings in their genotype, Glass can be carried and not displayed in the design, or optionally it can be displayed with free markings
- Glass is made by adjusting marking layers opacity.
There is not set minimum or maximum % for the opacity. The opacity cannot be dropped so low the marking turns invisible. The affected marking must still be detected in the design. The marking's opacity cannot be truly solid either, it must show at least some transparency. - The transparency needs to be even throughout the marking. Glass cannot create uneven opacity into the marking.
Below is an example Colorpoint that is affected by Glass. 100% opacity, meaning the marking is completely solid, isn't acceptable Glass. Neither is 10% opacity, as that has made the marking almost completely disappear.
The marking must still be visible in the design.

Accepted examples
None yet!