Experience Points
Experience Points (EXP)
Experience points (EXP) are gathered through artwork and literature. As your centaur gains EXP, they will level up and unlock more possibilities and rewards.
Each centaur in a piece will receive individually rolled EXP. Points are rolled only when a piece is accepted into the group, and will not be rolled again if a centaur changes owners. Rerolls occur only if a significant mistake has been made.
If you have encountered a mistake in your EXP roll, head over to Questions & Errors and submit an error report! It will be checked and corrected as soon as the admins can.
You, the player, are responsible for filling out the EXP form correctly. EXP forms must be clearly visible in the description box of your submission. Admins will check the EXP form prior to rolling– however, they will not add a bonus if you did not list it in the form.
To avoid overcrowding in artworks and literature, the max centaur amount to receive EXP roll in one submission is 5!
Extra centaurs won't receive exp roll.
Q: Are points sheets allowed?
Unfortunately no. Maximum amount the centaur can earn is 1 x Headshot,
1 x Halfbody and 1 x Fullbody points combos from one entry. If more drawings of this centaur is present, they won't get another sets of those bonuses.
EXP Recounts
> Proceed to EXP recount thread HERE<
Submitting into this comment thread doesn't guarantee the exp will get recounted.
Admins will evaluate the case and issue a recount if necessary. Read the rules and use the form found from the journal!
This comment thread is for EXP submissions already submitted into the group. You don't need to delete your work from the group gallery. If you have corrected the artwork itself to match required activity requirements, you don't need the official recount to be able to get the loot. The art needs to speak for itself and fulfill the requirements.
EXP Recounts aren't issued to entries that have already been counted in Rank-ups.
EXP Trackers
EXP Trackers should be based on DeviantArt. You may use a journal or a deviation post. Sta.sh is not recommended, due to difficulties with comment notifications. Main thing is, that an admin can reply there without problems!
Members should refrain from posting their works and points to the trackers: Admins will do this!
EXP points posted by admin account are the only legitimate exp points.
Currently trackers based on other sites or platforms, such as google drive documents, are not allowed. This is to make sure all admins can have smooth access to all trackers.
EXP Trackers should at minimum feature a comment thread for EXP rolls, but you are free to track and collect anything related to your centaur's adventures here.
Example trackers
It's recommended to see how others have done their trackers if you are feeling unsure how to make your tracker.
You can see some admin owned EXP trackers below:
- 01 - Karacazo Tracker
- Aelwen - 'The Fisherwoman' Tracker
- 005 - Faust Tracker
- 029 - Kjetil Tracker
As well as Activity trackers:
Ebon's Activity Tracker, Routas Sagittari activity tracker
This form must be filled out in your submissions description! Each centaur presented in the submission piece must have their own individual exp form filled out, so no shared exp forms!
Import: (link to centaur's import who receives the EXP)
Link to EXP tracker: (Direct link to right comment thread)
EXP Point and bonuses: (See the points and bonuses below, and mark them clearly. Remember to mark all your valid bonuses! Don't list bonuses your centaur doesn't have, and make sure you get all they do have.)
Transferring points from one tracker to another
When you've bought a centaur from someone, you must create your own tracker to that centaur. The EXP that centaur collected with it's previous owner will then be confirmed and moved to you by an admin.
>Reply HERE to transfer EXP tracker!<
Link to import:
Link to old tracker: (Previous owners tracker)
Link to new tracker: (Your new tracker to this centaur)
Below you will see the available exp point breakouts for art, and what area needs to be clearly shown to be eligible for the points. There is always bit of leeway with the visibility of the centaur, especially if they are clothed.
Always list the numbered points clearly for each individual centaur present! This will help admins with confirming the points!

Fullbody Points
Sketch - 2 exp (You can only get Sketch OR Lineart/Rendered bonus, not both)
Lineart / Rendered* - 4 exp (You can only get Lineart OR Rendered bonus, not both)
Basecolor - 3 exp
Shaded - +3 exp
Simple Background - +2 exp
Complex Background - +3 exp
In maximum fullbody is showing the whole body: all limbs and tails fully. There is some flexibility on the minimum amount:
In minimum fullbody needs to show upper torso OR lower torso fully, and at least partially the other. Leg and tail visibility can be mixed and matched: Either in minimum 1 full lower limb is visible with some of the tail, or all limbs are partially visible with full tail.
*Rendered bonus is in place when the artwork doesn't have clear lineart in place and is digitally or traditionally painted. It cannot be combined with the Lineart bonus. This bonus is activated when the artwork has a lineartless painted finish. One or simplistic basecolor + one shading tone (cellshading) isn't enough to activate this bonus.

Halfbody Points
Sketch - 1 exp (You can only get Sketch OR Lineart/Rendered bonus, not both)
Lineart / Rendered* - 3 exp (You can only get Lineart OR Rendered bonus, not both)
Basecolor - 2 exp
Shaded - +2 exp
Simple Background - +2 exp
Complex Background - +3 exp
Halfbody in minimum is the upper torso alone without any lower torso showing. This can optionally be lower torso alone without upper torso, or otherwise an equal amount of either showing. In maximum halfbody is around 50% of the centaurs whole form.
*Rendered bonus is in place when the artwork doesn't have clear lineart in place and is digitally or traditionally painted. It cannot be combined with the Lineart bonus. This bonus is activated when the artwork has a lineartless painted finish. One or simplistic basecolor + one shading tone (cellshading) isn't enough to activate this bonus.

Headshot Points
Lineart / Rendered* - 2 exp (You can only get Lineart OR Rendered bonus, not both)
Basecolor - 1 exp
Shaded - +1 exp
Simple Background - +2 exp
Complex Background - +3 exp
Headshot In minimum is just a head + neck, and in maximum around the Mozzetta range, to "waist" of upper torso.
Headshot artworks should always show some facial features.
Note! If your centaurs import has a full-coverage mask or something else that can completely hide their face, there needs to be more of body shown (neck/shoulders) in art to be able to receive full headshot points. Completely hidden face cannot receive full headshot points.
*Rendered bonus is in place when the artwork doesn't have clear lineart in place and is digitally or traditionally painted. It cannot be combined with the Lineart bonus. This bonus is activated when the artwork has a lineartless painted finish. One or simplistic basecolor + one shading tone (cellshading) isn't enough to activate this bonus.
Literature Points
1 exp per 100 words.
Wordcounts below 100 won't receive exp. If wordcount is uneven, it's rounded to closest hundred. In the style of: 100 <- 149. 150 -> 200
Example: 800 word literature is worth 8 exp. 1000 word literature is worth 10 exp.
Your character must be about 80% of the story's wordcount present to get full wordcount exp amount in exp. This counts for fully personal pieces as well as collabed/rp's.
The 80% is an approximate amount, and there is some leniency on if your centaur isn't present in the literature. It is recommended to not have large gaps where a centaur isn't being actively present in the literature.
If the literature is for activity, event or other group given prompt, the prompt/activity still needs to be the major focus of the literature and be clearly present in the literature.
Minimum wordcount requirement for all bonuses
To be eligible for all possible EXP bonuses in literature, a centaur needs to be present for minimum of 400 words. This 400 wordcount requirement is for every individual centaur. If a centaur is present under this 400 wordcount, they will only receive wordcount EXP, and not other bonuses.
Literature has 850 wordcount. Centaur A is present for 350 words in the literature, centaur B is present for 500.
Centaur A gets 4 EXP
Centaur B gets 5 EXP + Other taur bonus & Personal bonus = 9 EXP
Literature roleplay exp counts
Whole literature wordcount will count for all rp partners / collabing writes. If final wordcount is 1000, then all taurs present will have that wordcount and receive the EXP according that.
The base wordcount requirement for activities must be met by all centaurs, with the remaining addition bonus centaur wordcount requirement amount split between the participants.
Example on explore rp with two centaurs:
"800 wordcount literature for one activity participating centaur. If more centaurs are present, each centaur adds +400 words to the needed wordcount"
Two persons writing for 2 activity participating centaurs would need 1200 wordcount to be rollable for 2 centaurs.
This 1200 can be divided in any way the writers want.
EXP bonuses for Art
For artworks, all presented bonuses activate with entries featuring at least simple background. Pagedolls (Image of the taur with invisible or plain background) don't qualify for these bonuses.
Only exception is PERSONAL bonus, which can be gained from backgroundless pagedolls as well.
- Other centaur +2
Stacks for max 3 centaurs with your centaur, so max is 6 exp from this bonus. The centaur can be owned by you, another player, or be a Sagittari group owned NPC's or starters. - Relationship +2
+2 bonus is earned from per centaur your taur has relationship with per piece. Stacks for max 3 centaurs with your centaur, so max is 6 exp from this bonus - Other ARPG creature +2
The other arpg critters official import needs to be linked. Stacks per creature, but max 3 times, so max is 6 exp from this bonus. The creature needs to be owned by you or another player, so no NPC's or group starters. - Official event +2
The event needs to be mentioned in the entry's description. - Collab +1
Collab artwork or literature with equal work amount from centaurs owners. Always remember to link all centaurs and tag the participating artists! - Personal +2
Needs to be completely made by centaurs owner - Villager present +2
If the entry has centaurs that are in same village, they both gain this bonus. This bonus is earned once per piece, even if multiple villagers are present. Link the village tracker to prove they share a village. - Affiliate +2
Creature/'s from our official Affiliate list is present. Gives +2 bonus per Affiliate group even if multiple creatures are present. Stacks max 3 times if 3 different Affiliate group creatures are present. Affiliate creature must be player owned, not a group starter or npc.
See our Affiliates list! - Weather Phenomenon +5
Monthly weather phenomenon needs to be clear in the activity. As weather is an activity modifier, the bonus becomes active only on Exploring, Survival, Culture and Battle entries. Misc art or Blessed Parent entries don't give Weather bonus.
In literature entries the weather phenomenon must be actively present through the literature. It cannot be only a short side mention. - Free Profession +5
Picturing your centaur practicing their free-to-choose professions gives +5 EXP bonus to art and literature works. - Complex Character Element +3
Complex Character Element can be granted to centaurs who have clothes or armor that hides the centaur body. This bonus is activated for clothes or armor with intricate details in them, and that requires work and effort from the artist.
This bonus nullifies coverage penalties and gives +3 additional exp, but only if the covering piece is highly detailed or complex in it's design. Pay mind, that extremely loose clothing such as fully closed in capes and loose ponchos might still get coverage penalties. Don't completely hide your centaur under loose fabrics, even if that fabric was complexly patterned.This bonus does not activate for:
- Jewelry, decorations, equipment or other assets surrounding or carried by the character
- Patterns made with textures, stamp-on-brushes or free assets
- Simplistic clothes or armor. Simplistic being: One single color clothing/armor piece without details or patterns.
- Complex marking designs on centaurs bodyOne patterning, color change, or addition (like a belt or fancy button) isn't enough to grant this bonus either.
Each use of this bonus is judged case by case. - Chronicle appearance +10
This bonus can only be given by an admin to centaurs who were randomly rolled to have an appearance in Sagittari Chronicles. Directly applied to centaurs EXP tracker. Submit your centaur HERE for a chance to have them featured!
EXP bonuses for Literature
Following EXP bonuses can be used for literature entries
- Other centaur +2
Stacks for max 3 centaurs with your centaur, so max is 6 exp from this bonus. The centaur can be owned by you, another player, or be a Sagittari group owned NPC's or starters. - Relationship +2
+2 bonus is earned from per centaur your taur has relationship with per piece. Stacks for max 3 centaurs with your centaur, so max is 6 exp from this bonus - Other ARPG creature +2
The other arpg critters official import needs to be linked. Stacks per creature, but max 3 times, so max is 6 exp from this bonus. The creature needs to be owned by you or another player, so no NPC's or group starters. - Official event +2
The event needs to be mentioned in the entry's description. - Collab +1
Collab artwork or literature with equal work amount from centaurs owners. Always remember to link all centaurs and tag the participating artists! - Personal +2
Needs to be completely made by centaurs owner - Villager present +2
If the entry has centaurs that are in same village, they both gain this bonus. This bonus is earned once per piece, even if multiple villagers are present. Link the village tracker to prove they share a village. - Affiliate +2
Creature/'s from our official Affiliate list is present. Gives +2 bonus per Affiliate group even if multiple creatures are present. Stacks max 3 times if 3 different Affiliate group creatures are present. Affiliate creature must be player owned, not a group starter or npc.
See our Affiliates list! - Weather Phenomenon +5
Monthly weather phenomenon needs to be clear in the activity. As weather is an activity modifier, the bonus becomes active only on Exploring, Survival, Culture and Battle entries. Misc art or Blessed Parent entries don't give Weather bonus.
In literature entries the weather phenomenon must be actively present through the literature. It cannot be only a short side mention. - Free Profession +5
Picturing your centaur practicing their free-to-choose professions gives +5 EXP bonus to art and literature works.
EXP Penalties
In some cases the centaurs owner won't receive the full EXP amount.
Some reasons for EXP penalties are:
- Reused material, such as repeating backgrounds, poses, or copied lineart
- Excessive use of stamp-on brushes, such as tree-, grass and cloud brushes
- Too simplistic picturing of centaur, centaur presented too small in artwork, or centaur not recognizable
- The art is rushed and significantly lower quality than your usual art quality
Art guide for EXP
To read more about reused material and our stance on art quality, please read Art Rules, thank you!
Complex background vs Simple background
Complex background must have shading and 3 individual elements, not including base ground and sky/roof. If the background has fewer than those 3 elements, or it misses shading, it will be classified as simple.
At minimum, simple background must have at least +1 element on top of base ground and sky/roof.

Customized centaurs vs Uncustomized centaurs in art
If a centaur has a modified import (Scars, clothes, unique hairstyle, bodyshape, etc) it must be pictured in it's customized state in art to best of the artists abilities. Centaur presented in the art must reflect whats in the import art.
Uncustomized centaurs may be presented looking bit different than the default import art. Simple clothing and accessories, drawing different hairstyles, making characters thicker or thinner. But presenting the character majorly different looking requires the import to be officially modded. Refrain from picturing your centaur with Body paints and large scarring/wounds without officially adding them to their import, as they can affect imports identifiability. Same goes to physical mutations. While there can be some shape variety without official modifications, they shouldn't be presented majorly different looking in the art without officially customizing first.
Centaurs can be presented in all stages of their life. These different life stage versions of them must follow the rules presented above as faithfully as possible, but may be depicted without scarring and injuries.
To be eligible for full EXP and activity loot, the centaur cannot be too simplified.
They must always have at least referential fingers, paw toes/hooves, and both eyes, nose and mouth when their face is visible.

Significantly rushed or otherwise poor quality entries will get reduced/halved exp as per Art-Rules.
Please remember this applies from headshots to full illustrations
If the centaurs body is concealed, they will receive points based on visible parts. Read more about clothed centaur EXP counts from Clothing Guide!

Irregularly shaped window-like backgrounds are allowed, but minimum 90% of the centaur must be inside
the background to be eligible for full EXP and activity loot. To keep the size from going too small,
imagine that at least another centaur should be able to fit inside the bg window.

Comic EXP guide
Comics earn you points panel by panel, with each panel being counted like separate images would be.
The quality and effort needs to stay consistent throughout the whole comic. As each panel gets counted individually, panels with significantly lesser effort put into it might get penalties.
Comic EXP rules:
- Minimum panel requirement to count as a comic is 3 panels
- The comic needs to clearly have a story behind it, and the panels need
to connect to each other story-wise. Random collection of framed pictures don't count as a comic. - Panels need to be clear. Admins shouldn't need to start guessing where one panel ends and one starts. Make sure all panels are recognizable and clear to count. If needed, number the panels.
Following EXP points and bonuses can be received per each panel:
Sketch, Lineart / Rendered, Basecolor, Shaded, Simple Background, Complex Background**, Other centaur, Relationship, Complex character element, Other ARPG creature, Villager present, Affiliate, Introvert, Extrovert, Pilgrim, Nocturnal, Diurnal
Following EXP points and bonuses can be received per comic page (so once per image submission)
Official event, Collab*, Personal*, Weather Phenomenon
* Even if one panel in a otherwise collabed comic page is entirely done by one person, they will still get collab points. Collab and Personal bonuses cover over the whole page, not panel-by-panel.
** Rules and possible penalties regarding repeated backgrounds as well as centaur poses still stand with comics!
Comis have their own EXP counting form. This form must be used when submitting comics, and must be filled out to each taur making an appearance in the comic.
Import: (link to centaur's import who receives the EXP)
Link to EXP tracker: (Direct link to right comment thread)
EXP Point and bonuses per panel
Panel 1: (List here the bonuses and their combined EXP count of panel 1)
(Keep adding and listing each panel separately!)
Extra EXP bonuses for the whole page:
( Official event / Collab / Personal / Weather Phenomenon)
Total: (Count the total exp amount of the whole page)

Wonderful example comic is by Munarogue ♥
Misc EXP art tips
- Greyscale or colorpalette entries will get full EXP as long as the centaur's all markings are recognizable
- Shading must be noticeable and more than a dark triangle under chin, or a color gradient, and be evenly present through the whole body.
More guides and point breakouts will be added as need comes!
Animation, sculpture and other crafts bonuses coming in later date!