There are currently 3 rarity classes of basecolors, with 4 colors in each class. Each basecolor has two versions, warm (W/) and cold (C/). Warms and colds are equal in rarity value, but offer variety with color hues.
Below are the official basecolor sliders. But you're not required to directly colorpick from them. The basecolor of your centaur needs to be recognizable to it's official basecolor shown in it's genotype, but there is some leeway. The cold or warm variety needs to be clear. If your centaur has cold white in their genotype, their white basecolor can't have orange hue, and so on.
When designing your centaur with dark basecolors and/or markings, remember that lineart should always remain visible. The color surrounding the lineart shouldn't be only couple of %'s lighter, admins need to be able to see the lineart clearly.
There are currently 12 different basecolors, divided into Cold and Warm variations.
Black (/Ba) and White (/Wh) are the most commonly seen basecolor.
Brown (/Br) and Grey (/Gr) are uncommon colors.
Dusk (/Du) and Dawn (/Da) are the rare colors, which really stand out in the wilderness.
When breeding parents where other is warm and other is cold, there is a 50/50 which temperature their offspring will inherit.
When breeding parents with same temperatures, their offspring will automatically be of same temperature unless items are used.

Natural color slider
Some parts of centaurs design, as well as some markings, allow the use of natural slider. This is to bring some variety to design possibilities.

Black and White sliders

White slider can be used on following markings: Free Natural White, Bicolor, Pinto and Sabino

Black slider can be used on following markings: Free Natural Black and Harlequin